Hello Gorgeous

Anyone can nominate a Gorgeous Strong Woman fighting cancer – just go to—hellogorgeous.org

I am pleased that Coiffeteria Salon is a partner with Hello Gorgeous! of Hope Inc. Together, we offer free ambush-style makeovers for women battling all forms of cancer!  A dream of mine has been to find a way to give back and partnering with Hello Gorgeous! has made this possible! We help to restore the beauty cancer steals

Once a month, someone will be hand-selected for a day of pampering, primp, and professional care.  We are licensed to touch and we can actually use that touch for good!

After being surprised by friends and family on a red carpet with flowers and kindness, our Hello Gorgeous woman will be given a free facial, pedicure, manicure, hair style, outfit courtesy of Mauricees, and KPS Essential organic skin care products.
In order to nominate a female friend or family member, you must fill out the nomination form on the Hello Gorgeous’ website.