Fitness Favorites

I get asked a lot what my favorite fitness workouts are!  

And let’s face it, as hairstylists or anyone in the busy beauty industry and beyond, time is something we do not have a lot of! However, it is crucial to all of us busy moms, wives, stylists, business owners, and YOU that we take care of ourselves! We are all better people if we give ourselves the gift of health and “me” time!

So, when it comes to working out, I love having the convenience and variety of Beachbody on Demand. No fighting traffic to get to the gym, it is all in the comfort of your own home – or wherever you have WiFi.  You have no excuses to not workout, and with my support and encouragement, you WILL reach your health/fitness goals!

What is Beachbody on Demand?

Beachbody On Demand is an online streaming service that allows you to stream P90X, INSANITY, 21 Day Fix, 80 Day Obsession, FOCUS T25, CORE DE FORCE, 3 Week Yoga Retreat, and hundreds of world-famous Beachbody workouts that have helped millions transform their lives.

Inside, you’ll find the program nutrition guides, workout calendars, and Beachbody On Demand exclusives like Shaun Week and FIXATE, Autumn Calabrese’s cooking show that teaches you how to make clean eating delicious.

Plus, with your subscription, you will get access immediately to the workouts and to my virtual gym for extra support & accountability! You can learn more, along with purchasing options, HERE.  Be sure to message me directly with questions!

Beauty tip: Everyone is in their own journey – and it’s beautiful! There are countless programs that range from stretches to strength to cardio, to high intensity to low, from beginners to well advanced. Let me help you find the best one to help you flourish! And, with my help, you will receive a life-long accountability partner with motivation, check-ins, and support! Message me now!