3 – Day Refresh

My 3-Day Refresh(er) 

The real, the raw, the ME!

Well, friends… I did it! I successfully finished the 3-Day Refresh. For some of you, 3 days may feel like a BREEZE, but for the rest of us, 3 days of focused nutrition takes dedication and serious work. I try to do a 3-Day Refresh 4 times a year (every 3 months), and every time I cross that (nutrition) finish line, I feel more and more proud of myself.

The real: What’s the 3-Day Refresh all about?

Like I said above, the 3-Day Refresh takes some serious dedication. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to kickstart your healthy lifestyle. It gets you in the right mindset to succeed not just for the 3 days, but for your whole healthy journey. This program consists of formulated shakes,  easy-to-prepare clean cleans, and healthy snacks that help you break the cycle of bad eating habits, lose a few extra lbs, support healthy digestion,  and dramatically improve the way you feel (without totally having to give up food… YAY!). For foods, you consume lots of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.

The raw: We are human, right?

I was laser focused every day until around 3 o’clock. Why 3 o’clock you ask? Well, that’s the famous Shuster snack hour with my kiddos. It’s that time where they get home from school and they need a snack before we sit down and have dinner as a family. I did end up cheating a day and adding scrambled eggs to my sautéed vegetables. Do I regret it? No, not really. I am human after all! As some of you may know, exercising is not recommended on the 3-Day Refresh. They recommend a more mild to moderate physical activity level, and I stuck with my normal exercise routine… oops! I may (or may not?) have had my daily cup of coffee each morning. You can’t break a girl of her routine!! I guess my friends should probably call me a rebel now!

The ME: The results are in…

Now you know the “raw” (aka the nitty gritty) of how my 3-Day Refresh REALLY went down. Yes, I cheated with my eggs. Yes, I still worked out more than I should’ve.  And yes, you can’t take Marielle away from her coffee… it just isn’t right.
On a serious note, I didn’t experience any bloating, however, I did experience more gas than I would have liked (sorry, TMI, but it’s true!). The gas means the fiber sweep and refresh was successful in completing the task at hand. Overall, I lost FOUR pounds and THREE inches off of my waste. Huge successes for me include: cutting out chips, way less snacking, and got my veggies back on track.  Eating vegetables is not easy for me to eat, so finding ways to incorporate them into my meals has been a huge challenge for me, but I have been successful… yay! When Day 4 rolled around, I felt amazing waking up that morning.  It made me want to carry these healthy habits into my daily routine.

Let’s hope I can keep up the positive work! I know that I can do that with accountability — how about you? Join me in my virtual gym for accountability, motivation, and FUN! Message me for details on how to join!